Welcome to the Kentucky Auctioneers Association website

Thank you for registering, this login is for members of the KAA. If you are not a member please use the form below, and add, “Not a member” in the comments, if you’d like someone to contact you about becoming a member, add that too!

If you are a member of KAA and you are getting this message after 5 business days from registering, please use the form below. Give us the information* to tie your account to your membership with KAA and we will get you full Auctioneer access as soon as possible.

*This information might include the name or company name on your membership and/or the email related to your membership with KAA.

New Member Review
Re-request your user on the KAA be reviewed. If you are an auctioneer and are see this form for more than 5 business days, please use this form to let us know.
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